Rules for fishing

The Atnavassdraget stretches from Atnas outlet in Glomma at Atna and all the way under / in Rondane National Park. Varying along the watercourse, from barren mountain areas with little vegetation to the still-floating river in the Atnsjø ants. Lake Atn is majestically beneath Rondane. Nedre Atna takes over and goes in more rapids and small waterfalls down to Glomma.

General fishing rules
 Fishing licenses must be redeemed before the fishing takes place.
 Living organisms are not allowed to transfer from one watercourse to another.
 Ear-kyte, dead or alive, is forbidden to use as bait.
 Rod fishing is permitted from ice solution and lasts until 15 September, when rescue begins.
 Ice fishing starts on 1 December and lasts until the ice runs, most often this has been around 10 May.
 Fishing with otters is allowed for everyone on Finnsjøen during the entire fishing period.
 Otter fishing for non-living persons is allowed on Lake Atnsjøen in July. This applies only when resolving season passes.
 Otter fishing for non-living persons is allowed on the Sentence throughout the season. This applies only when resolving season passes.
 Fishing from inland is prohibited without the landowner's permission.
 The catch report shall be submitted to Atna Fiskeforening after the end of fishing.
 Violations of fishing rules will be reported.
 Yarn fishing for out-of-town residents is permitted on The Sentence and Finnsjøen. This requires a separate yarn card. Up to 10 yarns can be put, with at least half of the mesh width 26 or less. Fishing time for the Sentence: From the ice runs-30 June and 1.aug-15.sept, as well as from 1 December until the ice passes (net under the ice). Fishing time for Finnsjøen: From the ice runs until 15.sept, as well as from 1 December until the ice passes (net under the ice). It is forbidden to have nets standing in the water between 10:00 – 16:00. Yarn should be standard bottom yarn up to 2 meters depth / 25 meters length, and be clearly marked with the owner's name and address. Unmarked nets are taken up by the fish watch.

Further information can be found here: